
Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Controlling LED Using Switch



 Controlling LED Using Switch



Controlling LED using a DIP Switch.



Understanding the working of DIP switch. When the switch is turned on, the LED is turned on, and when it is turned off, the LED is turned off.


Hardware Requirement:

ESP32 IoT Development Kit and FRC Cable


1.        Connect P1 port and SV13(Digital Input Switch) port and connect P2 port and SV2(LED) port using FRC cable as shown above.

2.        Connect the USB cable to the board.

3.        Open Arduino IDE .Select DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1in boards and select COM port.

4.        Now Write the program, verify and Upload it.

5.        Now, when the switch is turned on, LED gets On.



const int Switch[8]={34, 35, 32, 33, 36, 39, 25, 26};  //declaring DIP Switches(Port P1)

const int Led[8]={23, 22, 21, 19, 18, 5, 17, 16};      //declaring LEDs (Port P2)

 void setup(){

for(int i=0;i<8;i++)







 void loop()


 for(int i=0; i<8;i++)


  digitalWrite(Led[i],digitalRead(Switch[i]));  // Reads the state of each switches and replicate it on LEDs




Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Blinking an LED



                                        Blinking an LED



Interfacing LED’s with ESP32-Microcontroller.



To learn how to programme an ESP32 Microcontroller to blink an LED by connecting an LED’S to its digital pins.


Hardware Requirement:

ESP32 IoT Development Kit and FRC cable.




1.      Connect P2 port and SV2(LED) port using FRC cable as shown above.

2.      Connect the USB cable to the board.

3.      Open Arduino IDE. Select DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1 in boards and select COM port.

4.      Now Write the program, verify and Upload it.

5.      Now you can see the LED blink on the ESP32 development board.



const int L1=23, L2=22, L3=21, L4=19, L5=18, L6=5, L7=17, L8=16;  //initializing LED pins

void setup()


pinMode(L1, OUTPUT);       // Set all Port P2 pins as output

pinMode(L2, OUTPUT);

pinMode(L3, OUTPUT);

pinMode(L4, OUTPUT);

pinMode(L5, OUTPUT);

pinMode(L6, OUTPUT);

pinMode(L7, OUTPUT);

pinMode(L8, OUTPUT);


void loop()


digitalWrite(L1, HIGH);

digitalWrite(L2, HIGH);

digitalWrite(L3, HIGH);

digitalWrite(L4, HIGH);

digitalWrite(L5, HIGH);

digitalWrite(L6, HIGH);

digitalWrite(L7, HIGH);

digitalWrite(L8, HIGH);


digitalWrite(L1, LOW);

digitalWrite(L2, LOW);

digitalWrite(L3, LOW);

digitalWrite(L4, LOW);

digitalWrite(L5, LOW);

digitalWrite(L6, LOW);

digitalWrite(L7, LOW);

digitalWrite(L8, LOW);

